Keyla's Cell Phone rentals in Cartagena
Rental Price:

- 1-2 days, price $15 per day
- 3-4 days, price $12 per day
- 5-7 days, price $10 per day
- 8 and more days, price $8 per day
Deposit and valid ID are required.
Book you hotel with AFA Travel services and get hotel, airport pick up, motorcycle rentals, cell phone, pass to Body Tech fitness center, and use of Las Americas Resort facilities, during your stay. AFA travel services will have every thing ready for you when you arrive, no delays or hassles. To qualify for this package reservation requires payment in full at time of reservation. Services past reservation period may not be available do to other reservation.
Hotels Package pricing:
- 1-2 days Price $149 per day
- 3-4 days Price $139 per day
- 5-7 days Price $129per day
- 8 and more days Price $119 per day
Apartment Package pricing:
- 1-2 days Price $110 per day
- 3-4 days Price $95 per day
- 5-7 days Price $89 per day
- 8 and more days Price $85 per day
Hotel Package includes:
- Airport pick up.
- Hotel at Capillary Del Mar
- Cell Phone
- Honda Motorcycle
- Daily pass to Body Tech fitness center
- Use of Las America Resort facilities.
Apartment Package includes:
- Airport pick up.
- Apartment
- Cell Phone
- Honda Motorcycle
For booking information in the US call 1-602-553-8178 In Cartagena call 665-5438