Historical notes
Welcome to Cartagena de Indias - Indias, so as not to confuse it whit Cartagena of Spain we hope you will have a pleasant stay. This noble villa of castles, ramparts, sun and sea, in ancient times was the victim of devasting raids by pirtes who prolifereted in the Caribbean sea, since the ship loaded whit gold and riches set out from its bay for the powerful Spain "in whose domain the sun never set" carrying very expensive loads of slaves, precious merchandises and equipment which were stored in their holds.
In 1498, in his second voyage, Christopher Colum,bus passed near these beaches whitout stopping.
Subsequently, in 1505, Don Rodrigo de Bastidas discovered the entire Atlantic Coast. But it was Peralonso Nunes and Cristobal Guerra who anchored for the first time in the bay which they called "Cartagena".
In mid 1533, Pedro de Heredia decided to settle a king`s camp in the small native village of Calamari, which later on, when it was transferred into a prosperous city, was called Cartagena.
The insignificant settlement, improved and extended by conquerors, merchants and adventurers, was reduced to ashes in 1522; that is why de Heredya, once he was governor, prohibited building whit materials other than bricks, roof tiles, stoene masonry and rocks.
It was when Cartagena was barely ten years old, as a vigorous Spanish town that the first series of attacks, pillaging and piracy began.
The first of the adventurers who attacked Cartagena was the feared Frenchman, Roberto Baal, followed by Jhon Hwakins and the brothers, Juan and Martin Cote, whit Sir Francis Dreake`s raid, this first trial period of Cartagena`s survival came to a close.
Faitful witnesses of the Iberian power are the forts, the batteries , the fortlets and the castles, in whose constructions the ingenuity of Spanish and Italian architects are combined whit work and the sacrifice of the salves brought over fron Africa to America to work as beasts of burden.